Maharana Sangram Singh(Rana Sanga),Another great warrior who fought for the liberation of his mother land from foreign rule and  who is forgotten by his people and his country.

Maharana Sangram Singh (12 April 1484 - 17 March 1527) commonly known as Rana Sanga, was the Rajput ruler of Mewar, which was located within the geographic boundaries of present-day India's modern state of Rajasthan. He ruled between 1509 and 1527.. Although he lost an eye and a hand at initial stages of his rule, he still fought great battles thus proved to be a great warrior.he was the grandfather of Rana Pratap.

Succession to Throne

Rana Sanga, a grandson of Kumbha, succeeded to the throne of Mewar after a prolonged power struggle against his brothers.

Rana Sanga was not only a great warrior who fought invaders gallantly but also a visionary, under whom many Rajput states united and fought the foreigners. He was a warrior with a resolute as strong as his grandfather Rana Kumbha. It is said that despite losing his one arm, one eye and numerous other grave injuries, he continued fighting his enemies. He is also remembered for his chivalry, when he restored the kingdom of Mandu. After defeating Sultan Mahmud of Mandu and taking him as prisoner of war, he treated him and his kingdom with generosity and chivalry.

Rana Sanga fought the rulers of Delhi, Malwa and Gujarat numerous times during his lifetime defeating them on various accounts. After the assassination of Ibrahim Lodi by Babur, the power in Delhi declined and he emerged as the strongest Hindu king of North India. He decided to conquer Delhi; the most prized possession of Muslim rulers, and bring complete India under his rule.

Rana Sanga, united with the Rajputs fought Babur in the battle of Khanwa which proved to be exceedingly brutal and deadly. Although with initial advantage, the Rajputs lost heavily and Rana Sanga who fell unconscious, was whisked away to safety by his men, after gaining his consciousness and knowing about the defeat, he decided to rebuild his army for war injuries. Rana Sanga died soon because of his injuries. Rana Sanga’s death established the Mughal rule in India marking a new beginning to the history of the Indian subcontinent.